BNI POIN + is a reward point program from PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI) for BNI customers as a form of appreciation for customer loyalty that BNI provides from various customer banking activities ranging from opening savings accounts, activating eBanking (Mobile Banking, Internet Banking. SMS Banking), debit card transactions, all eChannel transactions (Mobile Banking, Internet Banking. SMS Banking, ATM), transfers between BNI and between banks, deposition and addition of savings balances and others that have been determined by BNI.


The period of the BNI Reward Point program (BNI POIN +) is valid from 1 May 2023 to 31 December 2024.

  • BNI savings products that can earn points are specifically for individual savings in rupiah currency, with the main types of savings that customers must have, namely Taplus, Taplus Muda, Taplus Bisnis, Taplus Anak, Taplus Pegawai, Emerald Saving, Various BNI Co-Branding Cards and / or additional savings products as a tactical (seasonal) program such as Tapenas, Time Deposits or other savings as determined by BNI.
  • Points from BNI POINS + are calculated based on the Customer's Customer Identification File (CIF) or the accumulation of all Customer's accounts if the Customer has more than 1 (one) BNI savings account.
  • In the event that there are differences in the data on the calculation of points recorded by the Customer and those recorded in the BNI system, then what will be used as a reference is the point calculation data in the BNI system.
  • Points that are not redeemed / redeemed will be accumulated with the next points earned until the program deadline ends.
  • Banking activities carried out by the Customer to collect points will follow the provisions that apply to these activities. For example: conditions on account opening, deposits, payments & purchases, registration & activation of e-channels and others.
  • The provisions of this program do not change the provisions for other banking activities at BNI.
  • Customers remain subject to and comply with the terms and conditions relating to banking activities stipulated by the Bank, including the prevailing laws and regulations.
  • BNI can make changes to the terms & conditions at any time and BNI will notify the customer in the form and manner determined by BNI.
  • Decisions, provisions, or changes to provisions made by BNI cannot be contested.

The following are product criteria that are used as a reference in calculating points in this program:

  • Debit Card
  • E-Channel (ATM, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, SMS Banking, EDC, Agen46)
  • Savings balance


Basic matrix for calculating POIN+:

Transaction Type Nominal Points Remarks
Registration for e-Banking activation - 10 Internet Banking & SMS Banking
Registration for e-Banking activation - 1000 Mobile Banking
Opening Account - 2000 Taplus, Taplus Bisnis (Individual), Taplus Muda, Taplus Pegawai, Taplus Anak, Emerald Saving, Various BNI Co-Brand Cards
Multiples of monthly average balance Rp2.500.000,- 1 Starting from the time the program starts and during the program, calculated monthly
Incremental of the monthly average balance Rp2.500.000,- 1 Average balance incremental of the current month compared to the previous month

Transaction Type Transaction Description Remarks
ATM SMS Mobile Internet EDC Agen46
Payment 1 1 1 1 1 1 A nominal payment of IDR 10,000, applies multiples, maximum 10.000 Poin+ per Month
Purchase 1 1 1 1 1 1

A nominal purchase of IDR 10,000, - applies multiples, maximum 10.000 Poin+ per Month

BNI Debit Card Transactions via EDC BNI     1
(VCN / Virtual Card Number)
  1   Debit card transactions at EDC BNI with a nominal value of IDR 10,000, - applies multiples
Transfer between BNI accounts 1 1 1 1 1 1

Transfer between BNI accounts, nominal IDR 10,000, - applies multiples, maximum 100 points per month, transfers within 1 CIF not eligible

Interbank Transfer 1 1 1 1   1 Interbank Transfer, nominal IDR 10,000, - applies multiples, maximum 100 points per month,

A. Simulation I (Transactional)*
Example of calculating Poin+ Month of June:    
● Debit Card Transaction via BNI EDC IDR 985.000,- = 98 Poin+
● Register and Activation    
- Mobile Banking   = 1000 Poin+
- SMS Banking   = 10 Poin+
- Internet Banking   = 10 Poin+
● Interbank Transfer via ATM IDR 370.000,- = 37 Poin+
● Transfer between BNI Account via SMS Banking IDR 1.650.000,- = 100 Poin+
● Mobile phone credit purchase transactions via Internet Banking IDR 100.000,- = 10 Poin+
● Electricity token (PLN) purchase transactions via Mobile Banking IDR 175.000,- = 17 Poin+
  Total Poin+ = 1,282 Poin+

B. Simulation II (Savings Balance)*
Example of calculating Poin+ Month of July:  
● Opening Taplus Saving Account = 2000 Poin+
● Average Saving Balance:  
- Month of June IDR 5.000.000,-    
- Month of July IDR 95.000.000,-    
Incremental Saving Account Average Balance IDR 90.000.000,-   = (90Mio/2,5Mio) = 36 Poin+
● Multiples of Average savings balance Month of July IDR 95.000.000,- = (95Mio/2,5Mio) = 38 Poin+
Total Poin+ = 2,074 Poin+

C. Simulasi II (Transactional and Savings Balance)*
Example of calculating Poin+ Month of July:  
● Opening Taplus Muda Saving Account = 2000 Poin+
● Register and Activation  
- Mobile Banking = 1000 Poin+
- SMS Banking = 10 Poin+
- Internet Banking = 10 Poin+
● Debit Card Transaction via BNI EDC IDR 1.125.000,- = 112 Poin+
● Transfer between BNI Account via SMS Banking IDR 750.000,- = 75 Poin+
● Mobile phone credit purchase transactions via Internet Banking IDR 150.000,- = 15 Poin+
● Average Saving Balance:  
- Month of June Rp200.000,-    
- Month of July IDR 125.000.000,-    
Incremental Saving Account Average Balance IDR 123.000.000,- = (123Mio/2,5Mio) = 49 Poin+
● Multiples of Average savings balance Month of July IDR 125,000.000,- = (125Mio/2,5Mio) = 50 Poin+
Total Poin+ = 3,321 Poin+

*) Description :

  • Value POIN+ can change from time to time according to business needs and according to some tactical programs which are limited by the program period
  • POIN+ calculation rounded down
  • If there is a difference in the POIN+ calculation between the Customer's calculation and that in the BNI system, then the calculation that applies is the calculation recorded in the BNI system
  • POIN+ generated per card / account will be accumulated based on the CIF number (key identifier).


Poin+ can be exchanged through the following channels:

  • BNI POIN + can be accessed through BNI Mobile Banking, exchange can be made for all available prize categories.
  • EDC BNI, Exchange via swipe / EDC POS BNI. Currently, the exchange via EDC is still under development.
  • Redemption of points through a reward point based market place. Currently, the exchange through the reward point based market place is still under development.
  • The process of exchanging points for prizes, BNI will be assisted by a third party / vendor. The vendor will be responsible for providing & sending gifts to the customer.
  • For every point exchange transaction, the Customer will be sent a notification via SMS and the email address listed on the BNI system. If the data on the cellphone number or email address is blank or wrong / incorrect / invalid, the Customer will not receive a notification.
  • Customer point exchange transactions will receive an OTP code to the Customer's mobile number stored in the BNI system. If the customer does not have a valid mobile number with the BNI system, the Customer will not receive an OTP code, and the customer must update the mobile number in order to receive the OTP code.
  • Points that have been exchanged cannot be canceled, unless BNI or the vendor cannot fulfill the delivery of the goods / services being exchanged. In this condition, BNI will return the points that have been redeemed.
  • Vouchers, specific categories in the form of physical and electronic vouchers such as shopping vouchers, hotels, pulses and others.
  • Travel, a special category related to travel such as airline tickets, hotels, car rentals and others.
  • Donations, a special category related to social activities through various donation campaigns as a form of customer concern for the environment and social conditions of the community. Donations are channeled in collaboration through trusted social agencies / foundations.
  • Transfer Points, a prize category in the form of sending a number of points to fellow BNI Savings Customers.
  • Shop, category of prizes in the form of goods / services such as gadgets, electronics, home appliances, fee waivers, magazine / TV services and others.
  • BNI products / services, special categories such as Topup Tapcash, Link Aja, Payment Bills, and replacements for fee charged transfers and others through BNI Mobile Banking.
  • The categories and types of prizes can change at any time depending on the availability of goods / services. BNI has the right to change the list of categories and types of prizes according to the availability of goods / services. Changes will be notified via the media provided by BNI.
  • The validity period of the points is as long as the BNI POIN + program runs from 1 May 2023 to 31 December 2024.
  • If until 31 December 2024 after the points are not exchanged, the points will be forfeited.
  • If a customer closes all BNI accounts, all points collected will be forfeited even though the program period has not ended.
  • Customers do not need to register to join this program. Customers who still have individual accounts at BNI (according to the provisions for the type of savings program BNI POIN +) can automatically participate in this program.
  • Participation starts when this program is launched or when the customer joins BNI through an account for BNI products.
  • To collect points, the Customer must follow the conditions for earning points, such as opening an account, making transactions, increasing the balance and / or others.
  • Participation in the program will automatically end if the Customer no longer has an account at BNI and / or the customer passes away and / or the customer is declared not entitled to collect or exchange points by BNI for committing fraud in collecting points or violating other banking regulations. In this case, BNI has the full right to cancel the Customer's participation in this program.
  • In the event that the Customer no longer has BNI Savings as in part II of the General Provisions point 1 (one), it will take effect immediately according to the date the Customer closes his account. In the event the Customer dies, BNI receives documents / confirmation from the heirs or any party proving that the Customer has passed away. In the event that the Customer is declared to have committed a violation by BNI as referred to in section IX Negligence or Violation of these General Terms and Conditions.
  • BNI has the right to refuse, cancel the exchange / redeem of BNI POIN + or temporarily block the BNI POIN + account of a Customer who commits negligence / violation such as indicated Customer points have been obtained from transactions that are incorrect and / or unreasonable.
  • Any rejection, cancellation of gift exchange / redeem or blocking of the BNI POIN + account will be notified by BNI to the Customer in the form and method determined by BNI.
  • For the conditions mentioned in section IX Negligence or Violation point 1 above, the Customer no later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days after receiving the notification from BNI, must provide clarification and supporting documents to BNI regarding the negligence / violation that has occurred.
  • In the event that the Customer is legally proven and convincing that the Customer's points were obtained from an untrue / unfair transaction. So BNI has the right to declare the Customer has committed negligence / violation and therefore BNI has the right to terminate Customer's participation in the BNI POIN + program.
  • Any complaints can be submitted via BNI Call 15000-46.
  • If the supply of prizes runs out / there is no service / goods provider, BNI will convey this information to the customer. Within a maximum of 30 (thirty) working days, BNI will send the gift to the customer. If the time limit passes, the prize cannot be sent by BNI, then the points that have been exchanged will be returned / canceled by BNI and the customer can exchange it for other available prizes.
  • The quality of goods / services is the responsibility of the goods / services provider, if there is a complaint about the quality of the goods, the complaint can be submitted directly to the goods / service provider.
  • Complaints can be submitted no later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the point exchange. Complaints will not be followed up if received by BNI after more than 14 (fourteen) calendar days.
  • Program details can be seen on the website https://poinplus.bni.co.id or BNI Call 15000-46.
  • These terms and conditions are an inseparable part of the provisions and information submitted by BNI, including through other media such as letters, brochures, posters and others.
  • Points that have been redeemed / exchanged cannot be canceled.
  • Prizes that have been selected cannot be returned or exchanged for cash or other prizes.
  • Customer must maintain the confidentiality of data and security of the Customer's BNI POIN + password as well as all Customer's personal devices (such as gadgets, communication tools, computers, sim cards) used by the Customer to access the customer's BNI POIN +.
  • BNI has the right to carry out maintenance activities and or changes to technical specifications of BNI POIN + features and accessibility, including determining technical standards for devices and software that can access the BNI POIN + account.
  • All losses and / or demands that arise as a result of the customer's negligence and / or carelessness in maintaining the security of the BNI POIN + account password and the supporting devices used by the Customer to access the BNI POIN + account so that it can be used by irresponsible parties and cause financial losses is the responsibility of the customer.
  • Terms and conditions for products and / or transactions and / or others that are not regulated in these terms and conditions will follow the terms and conditions that apply to each product / transaction.